Pursuing a life of radical obedience
to Jesus
We’re a nondenominational church in the Clarion, PA area.
Here at Cornerstone, our primary purpose is to love God with all our heart and to love others. You could say lovingGod is our motivator and loving people is our mission! It’s the dynamic force that empowers us as a church body – and out of it comes the work of discileship that God calls us to do. We warmly welcome you to any of our church events. If you are seeking a home church where members love the Lord and each other, come and see if Cornerstone is the church for you.
Our History
Seeking God’s vision, not our own
Cornerstone is a fairly new congregation, and we’ve been through an incredible journey in the formation of our church. Through it all, we can say that we prayed constantly and wanted the Holy Spirit to lead us in doing this the right way – His way, not ours. We didn’t want our church to be man’s vision – but God’s. And we believe that cornersone is the result of this vision.
On August 5, 2012, we fellowshipped together as a body of believers at the Clarion County Park. Here nearly 100 people signed our Charter Membership,voted for the church By-Laws and Statement of Faith and Message, and celebrated the Lord’s Supper.

Meeting at the Clarion Holiday Inn
(November 2011 through May 2012)
Meeting at Clarion University
(May 2012 through December 2012)
Cornerstone Church
(Decembr 2012 through Present)
In November 2011, a group of people with common core values who were seeking a church began meeting for Sunday School at our local Holiday Inn. That group grew quickly from it’s initial size of 30 people to 60. Soon we found that others wanted to join us and we knew we needed more space.
In May 2012, we met for a month of prayr meetings at Clarion University before officially launching our church on June 2, 2012 at the University. Jeff Burkett was our speaker and interim pastor through the 18th of August. By then the By-Laws were in place and a pastoral search team had been formed. Cornerstone grew to 90-100 people and we began to meet on Sunday mornings, adding a Sunday School hour to our worship and study. We knew that it was time to find a larger place when there were no more seats left in our college room.
In December 2012, we bought Traditions Banquet Hall in Shippenville, PA and began renovating it into a church building for Cornerstone. Our first church service was held here on January 27, 2013 with Jeff Burkett speaking, and on February 3, 2013, we welcomed Pastor John Green, His wife Mandy and their family. On October 18, 2020, we welcomed our interim pastor, Terry Kendrick & his family and on March 6, 2022, we welcomed our new pastor, Josh Easlon and his family. Today, Cornerstone is growing as a place of prayer, Bible study,worship, fellowship and ministry.